AdkAction, Keeseville, NY
AdkAction creates projects that address unmet needs, promote vibrant communities and preserve the natural beauty of the Adirondacks for all.
Upstream Fund Grant Purpose: Long-Term Rental Catalyst Pilot Program: To create a short-term rental conversion toolkit and incentive program that empowers interested property owners with the tools and support needed to help “unlock” immediate housing stock in the Adirondacks.

Joint Council for Economic Opportunity of Clinton and Franklin Counties, Inc., Plattsburgh, NY
The Joint Council for Economic Opportunity of Clinton and Franklin Counties, Inc. provides resources and services that enhance people’s dignity and self-reliance.
Upstream Fund Grant Purpose: Supporting ALICE Households in Crisis: To provide emergency aid to ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households navigating unexpected crises and foster financial stability.

Little Peaks Preschool & Early Childhood Center, Keene, NY
Little Peaks provides high-quality childcare and preschool programming in the High Peaks region.
Upstream Fund Grant Purpose: Remedying the ADK Childcare Desert: To provide operational support for the newly built and licensed nature-inspired early childcare and preschool program.

Rural Law Center of New York, Plattsburgh, NY
The Rural Law Center is committed to focusing attention on the needs of low-income, rural New Yorkers through the legal system and government institutions.
Upstream Fund Grant Purpose: Adirondack Regional Family Stabilization Program: To provide assistance and resources to families and individuals residing in the Adirondack Region with filing bankruptcy, debtor education and credit counseling.

The Salvation Army-Empire State Division, Syracuse, NY
The Empire State Division of The Salvation Army covers 48 counties in upstate New York and one city in Pennsylvania. They are committed to doing the most good – “to feed, to clothe, to comfort, to care.”
Upstream Fund Grant Purpose: Basic Needs Assistance for ALICE Population in the Adirondack Region: To provide year-round, direct financial assistance for heat and other utilities for ALICE households.