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Partnership with Adirondack Foundation to Fund Projects that Address Health Disparities

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QUEENSBURY, NY (January 8, 2020) – The Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation is pleased to announce a new partnership with Adirondack Foundation to identify and fund community-based projects that address food, housing and transportation and other socio-economic issues that affect health. The Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation’s Upstream Fund, a special donor-restricted fund created for this purpose, will become a co-funder of Adirondack Foundation’s Generous Acts grant program.

“The Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation’s primary purpose has been, and will continue to be, raising money for needs within the Hudson Headwaters Health Network, of which there are many. With that being said, the health of our communities is about much more than what happens within the walls of our health centers,” said Jessica Rubin, Associate Vice President of Philanthropy at Hudson Headwaters.  “The idea behind this partnership is to go ‘upstream’ and fund projects that address issues like food and housing insecurity before they lead to negative health consequences.”

The Upstream Fund was initiated by a generous $25,000 contribution by the Himoff Family.

“By partnering with Adirondack Foundation we are coordinating philanthropic efforts for maximum impact,” explained Jim Himoff, Upstream Fund donor and President of the Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation. “We hope other donors will join us and empower the Upstream Fund to make a difference.”

The Upstream Fund will consider applications submitted through Generous Acts that focus on communities with a Hudson Headwaters’ presence. Projects with results that may be measured through improved patient health outcomes will be given priority for funding.

Generous Acts are competitive grant awards focused on meeting pressing community needs among three priority program areas: well-being, educational opportunity, and economic vitality. Nonprofits, schools and municipalities may access the online application on Adirondack Foundation’s website:; the application deadline is Monday, February 3.

“This exciting partnership allows us to magnify the impact of Generous Acts, garner more funding to address local needs, and streamline the process for applicants,” said Adirondack Foundation President and CEO Cali Brooks. “The funding priorities of Generous Acts and Hudson Headwaters’ Upstream Fund are so closely aligned that it makes perfect sense to collaborate in this innovative way.”

The Upstream Fund is the most recent example of Hudson Headwaters’ emphasis on understanding and improving the full health landscape of our patients and communities.

“As a practicing family care provider, I’m the first to admit well-being doesn’t happen in an exam room alone. Hudson Headwaters has understood this from the beginning,” said Tucker Slingerland, M.D., CEO of Hudson Headwaters. “From deployment of care managers to help our most vulnerable patients navigate the health care system and beyond, to the launch of our Population Health department in 2017, and now our Foundation’s new Upstream Fund, when we say ‘we are building healthier communities,’ we mean it, alongside our partners, and from the inside out.”

The Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation was founded in 2005 to further the mission of the Hudson Headwaters Health Network, a nonprofit organization. Learn more at