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You and Health Reform; A Message From our Founder and CEO

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To: Our patients, supporters, and friends

From: John Rugge, M.D.

Re: You and Health Reform


Well, health reform is top of the news again.

As you might imagine, our elected officials–state and national alike–have been reaching out to ask Hudson Headwaters how moving from the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to the proposed House replacement plan (American Health Care Act) would affect our patients and our services.

Here is what we say: that our number of uninsured has dropped over the last six years from 14% to 5%; that more than nine thousand of our patients have either commercial insurance or Medicaid for the first time; and that Medicaid is no longer just for low-income people but provides coverage for thousands of our working families.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that health care costs keep rising and lots of people are struggling to pay co-pays and high deductibles.

What we don’t tell our public officials is how to vote.  And, what we can’t tell them is how the proposed change would affect you and your family.

To be clear, not all our legislators are health care experts but they all do want to do the right thing–and they do want to hear from their constituents.

With any major government reform, there will be winners and losers. If you think the legislation now under consideration will affect you, this is the time to let our congressional representatives know.

I am writing (and calling too) as one private individual. I hope you will do the same.


John Rugge, M.D.


The proposed health care bill could be voted on as early as the week of March 20th. 

Click the links below to reach out to your representatives:

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator Charles Schumer

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Click here to find your representative’s contact information.